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Emil Cedercreutz: Maternal love, 1928. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum / Maija Toivanen

Äidinrakkaus / Maternal love

Artist Emil Cedercreutz

Varsapuistikko, Unioninkadun and Kaisaniemenkadun kulmaus, Kluuvi, Helsinki

“Maternal Love” consists of a mare and a foal cast in bronze. The realized sculpture differs from Emil Cedercreutz’ (1879-1949) original idea which would have portrayed the mare’s head upright. In the actual work, her head is turned towards her foal which expresses the mare’s maternal instincts towards her young.

Horses were a favourite subject for Cedercreutz and, as seen in “Maternal Love”, the artist wanted to represent them realistically and with admiration. General Mannerheim is said to have stated that: “Anyone can sculpt me but only Emil Cedercreutz can sculpt a horse underneath me”.

The sculptor Emil Cedercreutz had offered “Maternal Love” to the City of Helsinki in 1927 and was bought by the municipal board. In 1930 the work was erected in a small park at the corner of Unioninkatu and, what was at the time, Puutarhakatu.

The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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