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Eila Hiltunen: Sunflower Field, 1975. © Photo: HAM Helsinki Art Museum

Auringonkukkapelto / Sunflower Field

Artist Eila Hiltunen

Nuottapolku 8, Helsinki

The Sunflower Field consists of three different-sized steel poles, each of which has a copper steel disc from which its steel leaves project sparsely in different directions. The work measures 260 x 267 x 100cm and is made from acid-resistant steel.

The artist of the work, Eila Hiltunen, once said that the strongest bond that a sculptor has to his work is with the material, meaning that the material transmits her thoughts and enacts her themes -not as individual elements but as characters belonging to the cosmos and as factors with their own sway of harmony of beauty, and of movement. It was the artist’s attention to elevate above daily routine and oppressing loneliness by combining her art with abstract and figurative expression. Sunflower Field serves as a good example: it is a figurative work but in an abstract manner. It is thus free from the representation of daily life, yet its material is treated expressively.

Eila Hiltunen formed close relations with the Didrichsen Art Museum founders, Marie-Louise and Gunnar Didrichsen. In addition to Sunflower Field, Hiltunen’s sculpture entitled Turbulence is in keeping at the Didrichsen Art Museum. Hiltunen’s idea for the Sunflower Field developed from another work, a fountain produced for the Jeddah of Saudi Arabia in 1984.

See other works by Eila Hiltunen: the Sibelius Monument, Copper Construction, Crescendo and Turbulence.

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