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© Photo: Helsinki Art Museum

Leijonapatsas, JR 11 muistomerkki / The Lion monument

Artist Aarre Aaltonen

, Helsinki

The monument was erected in memory of the infantry regiment 11 in a park named after Alli Trygg, a fervent folk educator and supporter of the temperance movement.

The following text: “Jalkaväkirykmentti 11 eloonjääneet pystyttivät tämän patsaan sodassa 1939-1940 kaatuneiden sankaritovereidensa muistoksi 13.10.1940” is found on the front of the monument. It reads “This monument was erected by the surviving members of the infantry regiment 11 on October 13, 1940 in memory of their heroic comrades who fell in the 1939-1940 war”.

The following text, which indicates names of the battle sites: “Hatialahti Uuras Ylä-Sommee Viipurinlahti” is found on the back on the monument. The infantry regiment 11 was a battle unit comprising men from the Sörnäinen and Kallio districts of Helsinki. It was also known as the ‘ässä’ (ace) regiment. The obelisk-like sculpture is made of grey granite.

The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

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