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Pekka Kontio: Painottomuus / Weightlessness, 1966. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum / Hanna Kukorelli

Painottomuus / Weightlessness

Artist Pekka Kontio

Nordenskiöldinkatu 20, Laakso, Helsinki

Among the sculptures Pekka Kontio (1933-1976) made in the 1960s there are a number of powerfully expressive portraits. ‘Weightlessness’ has a considerably more lyrical and optimistic ambience than the artist’s earlier works. The work depicts two figures in a weightless space. Its horizontality and the unaffected handling of the figures’ limbs create a strong sense of movement. The work is cast in bronze and it was unveiled in 1966. It belongs to the collections of the Helsinki Art Museum.

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