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Olli Salo: Pipe and propeller sculptures, 1998. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum / Maija Toivanen

Putki- ja propelliveistokset / Pipe and propeller sculptures

Artist Olli Salo

Ilveskorvenpuisto, Vuosaari, Helsinki

Olli Salo’s (b. 1967) stone Piping I-II and Propeller I-II were placed by a pond in Ilveskorpi Park in Vuosaari in 1998. The pieces are roughly cubical in shape, made of granite and spectrolite, with various geometric figures and images of pipes and propellers. Salo’s timeless stone sculptures evoke both the tombstones of the Vikings and their feel and the dialect of form and semantics of Contemporary Art.

The sculptures belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM.

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