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Ilari Kähönen

Päiväkoti Kissankello, Leskirouva Freytagin kuja 3, 00790 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Ilari Kähönen (b. 1962, Helsinki) has created a stage curtain in the daycare centre assembly space, entitled Adaptation. Kähönen sewed white and black cotton threads into the red curtain, creating extruded forms. To these he then added drawings made by a transfer process he developed: he makes a transfer pigment from dry pastel and produces the image by rubbing. The work mostly hints at recognisable motifs, although a few human stick figures and plant parts can be identified among the meandering shapes sewn onto the curtains. With the shapes protruding from the fabric, the curtain grows from a two-dimensional surface into a three-dimensional work of art. The work is an amalgamation of textile art and sculpture.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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