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© Image: Mikko Hintz

Flying Garden

Mikko Hintz

Päiväkoti Pajalahti, Pajalahdentie 10, 00200 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Flying Garden by Mikko Hintz (b. 1974, Waiblingen, Germany) is a three-part work on the movable wall and adjacent fixed walls in the hallway of Pajalahti Daycare Centre.

The central section is a garden of discoveries consisting of branches, plants and vines, with tiny figures hiding inside: birds, insects, other animals and mushrooms. The branches are printed images, and the silhouettes are cut-outs. The neighbouring wall has more silhouettes of birds and small animals. The birds are shown sitting on branches, but all other vegetation around them is missing. The other fixed wall has a sculpture that seems as if a tree were growing out of the wall. The trunk and some branches of the steel tree are visible in recesses, and the crown rises through the wall.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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