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Grass Forest

Pasi Mälkiä

Päiväkoti Maarianmaa (Viikinmäen korttelitalo), Harjannetie 36, 00710 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

This colourful and large relief sculpture Grass Forest by Pasi Mälkiä (b. 1972, Helsinki) is mounted on the wall of the light well in the daycare centre at Viikinmäki Community Centre. Mounted on a fibreglass frame, the work is a stylised depiction of lush vegetation, presented in layers like that of a forest. The artist sought to create a piece that would be exciting and meaningful from every vantage point in the building.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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