Elina Merenmies Hiding; I Love You; Little Sister; Bird’s Nest; Clothes; Dog at Play; Foliage; Stretching Tree; Muscles; Rain; Some Forest; Wake Up! Elina Merenmies Stadin ammatti- ja aikuisopiston Prinsessantien toimipiste, Prinsessantie 2, 00820 Helsinki Indoor Sculpture Elina Merenmies (b. 1967, Espoo) created a series of twelve black-and-white ink drawings for the Prinsessantie premises of the Helsinki Vocational College. Many of the pictures feature a solitary figure glimpsed inside foliage. The artist says: “I’d like the drawings to seem inspiring and funny, although there is a certain seriousness to them as well. My general subject in the series is young people and young life. Of course the surrounding story is important, too: nature and its preservation, the purpose and power of life, protection of difference and of the weak, and inclusion.” The drawings are hung in the hallway next to the third-floor library so that some of them can be seen through the glass from the library. The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum. At map