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Heikki Marila

Kulosaaren ala-aste ja päiväkoti (ent. Kulosaaren korttelitalo), Kyösti Kallion tie 1, 00570 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Heikki Marila’s (b. 1966, Lahti) painting Kulis spreads across the wall of the dining room in Kulosaari Primary School. The work was produced directly on the face of the concrete wall with acrylic paint and oil pastels.

Kulis makes free use of the town plan of the Kulosaari district. Although the details of the work are notional, the town plan and the forms and rhythm of the terrain are identifiable. Other fundamental elements in Marila’s piece are the implements and gestures of painting. Painting a large surface calls for expansive movements and different tools than a smaller work.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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