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© Image: Kuvasto

New Adventures for These Guys

Anssi Kasitonni

Stadin ammatti- ja aikuisopiston Sturenkadun toimipaikka, Nilsiänkatu 6 (ent. Vallilan tekniikan alan ammattioppilaitos), 00510 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

Anssi Kasitonni’s (b. 1978, Vilppula) New Adventures for These Guys, installed in Helsinki Vocational College’s Nilsiänkatu 6 facility, is a miniature world cast in resin. Located in a niche near the stairs in the lobby of Vallila Technical College, the sculpture is set on a steel pedestal and lit up.

Depicting a disco for squirrels, the piece has objects and stuffed squirrels embedded in the resin. While containing references to Vallila, it aspires towards something more universal. The artist does not wish to provide a definitive interpretation, leaving even its starting point undisclosed. Kasitonni’s nonconformist art liberates the viewer from meanings associated with time and place.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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