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© Image: Kuvasto

Other Layers

Petri Makkonen

Kallion virastotalo, Toinen linja 4 A, 00530 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

This three-part work by Petri Makkonen (b. 1965) is installed in the entrance hall of the Kallio municipal office building. Other Layers consists of a wooden surface painted in oil and acrylic, with three-dimensional shapes made of cast resin and wood emerging from it. The resin also contains inclusions, such as plant fragments and type metal.

The painting is expressive, the brush strokes powerful. Abstract areas of colour alternate with suggestive motifs. One can recognise landscape elements and the presence of people. The two largest works are 2.5 metres tall, the smallest 60 centimetres.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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