Kuvasto Reflection Helena Hietanen Vuosaaren taiteilijatalo, Villiruusunkuja 3, 00990 Helsinki Indoor Sculpture This light work titled Reflection by Helena Hietanen (b. 1963) extends from the second to the fifth floor of the building. Eleven metres tall, the piece was inspired by the proximity of the building to the sea, its elements referencing the reflections of sunlight on the sea and the undulating motion of waves. The theme of reflection is reiterated in both the structure and the siting of the work: the symmetrically positioned light surfaces create an impression of the sky being reflected by the sea. The work is installed in a window recess, its steel frame multiplying the reflections of light and creating an impression that the work continues forever. The light is also reflected by the glass railing of the landings in the stairwell. The artist constructed the work using a technique she had developed herself, weaving fibreoptic cable onto a steel warp in a hydraulic loom. As the cable is squeezed in the steel, it emits a throbbing light, thereby creating line-like patterns in the steel mesh. The intensity of the light is enhanced by projectors, and the motion and pulsing create an impression of a sea of light. The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum. At map