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Jaakko Tornberg

Päiväkoti Leppäsuo (ent. Helsingin Nuorisoasiainkeskus), Hietaniemenkatu 9 A, 00100 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

This work by Jaakko Tornberg (b. 1961) consists of five robotic creatures in display cases. One of them is larger than the others. Two of the small robots are located inside the big robot, a third one is next to the big robot’s foot and one sits atop its upraised arm. Made by hand from recycled materials and electronic waste – video recorders, radios and computers – the miniature sculptures are images of people with imperfections and faults in a world that makes ever greater demands for perfection and faultlessness from us individuals.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme for the elevator lobby of Helsinki City’s Youth Division facility on Hietaniemenkatu. Leppäsuo Daycare Centre moved into the premises in 2018.  The work belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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