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The City and the Sea

Viggo Wallensköld

Laajasalon peruskoulun pääkoulu (ent. Laajasalon yläaste ja lukio), Koulutanhua 1, 00840 Helsinki

Indoor Sculpture

The City and the Sea by Viggo Wallensköld (b. 1969, Porvoo) is a landscape painted in oil on wood. The work is located in the Laajasalo secondary school. Mounted in a recess on the wall of the school lunchroom, the panoramic painting is over 5 metres long and consists of several parts. The landscape – featuring the sea and a city in the distance – is an imaginary view, even though it is based on sketches made in several real locations. The work symbolises the merging of nature and the manmade environment. Wallensköld is fascinated by the structure of cities: the rhythm that emerges from the alternation of the built and the undeveloped, the dense and sparse, the empty and full, as well as their forms, lights and colours. On the other hand, the sea is for him a symbol of loneliness but also of peace and beauty. It is frightening and romantic at the same time.

The work was produced under the Percent for Art programme, and it belongs to the collection of the City of Helsinki, managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

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