Helsingin 1939-44 siviiliuhrien hauta / Memorial to Helsinki residents perished the city bombings in 1939-1944 Artist Tero Aaltonen, Sakari Siitonen Malmin hautausmaa, Helsinki The memorials were planned by the architect Tero Aaltonen and Sakari Siitonen. The work, acting as a memorial to Helsinki residents, marks the beginning of the Winter War 50-years memorial day in 1989 which commemorated those who perished the Helsinki bombings from 1939-1944. The memorial consists of two parts. The memorial stone is a dice-shaped flat rock, which was transported from Mäntsälä. The stone is known as Helsinkiitti, and inscribed on its side are the words: “In memory of those who died in the bombings of 1933-1944 “. The names of the 72 residents who perished, and to whom to the grave memorial erected, are carved on the ground beside the slab. In all the Helsinki bombings during the Winter War 177 died and in the following war 230 perished. Most of which were buried elsewhere. The memorial doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM. At map