Andy Best and Merja Puustinen: Silent Footprints, 2000. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum / Hanna Kukorelli Hiljaisuuden jalanjäljet / Silent Footprints Artist Andy Best, Merja Puustinen Simonkatu 1, Lasipalatsin and Forumin välinen aukio, Kamppi, Helsinki “Silent Footprints” comprises twenty bronze tiles in the pavement of the square between Forum and Lasipalatsi. The slabs are marked with the footprints of various animals found in the wild in Finland: wolverine, weasel, squirrel, otter, ermine, European mink, lynx, fox, badger, roe, wild boar, bear, elk, deer, fallow deer, beaver, capercaillie, black grouse, crane and wolf. According to the artists, “Silent Footprints” is a subtle reminder of how thin the layer of urban and industrial history is in Finland. Nevertheless, most Finns nowadays have a relationship with nature that is based on television and folklore rather than direct experience. Some of the foot, paw and hoof prints belong to species that are today either endangered or already extinct.The footprints were acquired at the Ranua and Ähtäri animal parks in co-operation with the animals and park staff.”Silent Footprints” was funded by the Helsinki City Public Works Department. The work belongs to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed and curated by HAM. Read more.. At map