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Kellosaaren varavoimalan maisemointi /Landscaping of the Kellosaari backup power plant

Artist Klaus Aalto

, Helsinki

Helsingin Energia organised a competition for the landscaping of the area around the Kellosaari backup power plant. The competition was open to students of the University of Art and Design Helsinki, and the winner was chosen by public vote. There were eight entries, of which Klaus Aalto’s was the winner.

In Aalto’s plan, a concrete wall and a large oil tank inside the plant are decorated with wallpaper-themed patterns. The patterns on the wall are red on a light-coloured background, the tank is decorated with white motifs on a yellow background. An asphalt path, painted red and flanked by shrubs, runs from Kellosaarenranta to the tank. The grounds of the industrial plant are closed to the public, but the work can be seen from Kellosaarenranta.

The work doesn’t belong to the City of Helsinki’s art collection, which is managed by HAM.

At map
