Laila Pullinen: Love, 1977. You may not use this photo for commercial purposes. © Photo: Helsinki Art Museum Love Artist Laila Pullinen Kuusilahdenkuja 1, Helsinki The work Love corresponds to Laila Pullinen’s production of the so-called sacral series: Messanger, Love, Jeanne d’Arctic and finally Crucifix: Eli, Eli, lama sabaktani! (My god, my god, why do you reject me?) These are all works of a similar nature. The bronze cloak grows out from one part of the work to another like a flame or as an expression of emotion, pain or mental power around the figure. In the final work, a bronze cloak flutters and sweeps open above the Crucifix figure whilst light passes through the work. The forms of Love are curvaceous and soft. The fluttering bronze cloak appears to enclose the rough figure in its interior for a tender and fleeting moment. A central feature of Pullinen’s art is dualism, which expresses the contradictory nature of their display but at the same time also of their harmonious coming together, or unity. The sensuousness of the form and movement is a key characteristic of the artist’s work. Love is made of bronze and measures 140 x 95 cm. The work belongs to the collections of the Didrichsen Art Museum. See also: Mediterranean Girl, Arctic Aphrodite Read more.. At map